One of mine spent an entire day laying in the sun in the greenhouse the other day - bit unlike her, as she usually comes in and out through the day for food and fuss. And always in for tea. Went and got her, and she wasn't interested, curled up, slept.
Took her to vet - complained at being handled, seemed to be a bit sore, high temp. Injection of antibiotics and painkiller, a round of claw trimming, £116 thank you . . . and she was a fixed cat by the time we got home.. Right as rain today.
Need the same injections for the other half - she's got some lurgy and not feeling good - negative on the covid test.
Took her to vet - complained at being handled, seemed to be a bit sore, high temp. Injection of antibiotics and painkiller, a round of claw trimming, £116 thank you . . . and she was a fixed cat by the time we got home.. Right as rain today.
Need the same injections for the other half - she's got some lurgy and not feeling good - negative on the covid test.