As long as you are in reasonable heath & can see ok the medical is easy enough.That is what I thought, so back to 3.5 ton for me.......... anyone know a good doctor?
If your not sure download the D4 form & see what they ask you.
As long as you are in reasonable heath & can see ok the medical is easy enough.That is what I thought, so back to 3.5 ton for me.......... anyone know a good doctor?
Passed class 7 MOT today, and I weighed it, gross, 2200kg (3500kg) front axle 1200kg (1800kg) rear 900kg (2240kg) 1/4 tank of fuel and me (not light), the side ramp will be square over the rear axle, if/when rear ramp fitted it will not weigh any more than the substantial rear doors already there, need to allow for partition, floor covering, side ramp steelwork, etc. etc. but to my untrained mind all looks ok?
I weigh the same as the owner and daughter combined, the bit cut out of the side with form part of the ramp so not all new material, has 1/4 tank of fuel, no real need to fill to the brim if you are loading up to the limit, take most water on board as you get to the destination, not shire horses, should be ok, if close, suggested driver to wear a low cut dress, her not me,That's only leaving you 1300kg for all the modifications, the horse, tack, feed, water, passengers, fuel, etc! It will be a close run thing!
Waiting patiently for updatesNeed to get back on the Jag!
You want to see matchless in jodhpursNever mind the cargo ,we want too see the driver
The regs alrerady dont allow being over loaded.and then the regs will be change
You scrub up all right @Matchless