Sorry its not the clearest of photos, but hopefully shows the amount of splatter im gettin. This was done on 2.5mm thick steel with my 180amp murex welder on setting 5.
Thanks Barry
eitherway Murex or Cebora, if my portamig gave off that much splatter, id take a hammer to it. Its difficult to see as the image is blurred but i notice a lot of brown around the edges of the weld
hi sorry it is a cebora. It does seem at it worst when you run practice welds side y side. It sticks to weld the most. It does go very brown. Trust me im getting very annoyed with it!
There does seem to be more spatter than normal. I'd be surprised if the gas was the cause as even CO2 isn't that bad. There's not much brown in the photo, though it's not perfect.
My money is on the wire - which brand and type are you using? Though dodgy earth connection could cause that sort of thing too. Is the clamp decent and attached to the bit you are welding? Very big gap between the torch and the work would make things worse too.
By the looks, id say not enough gas, could be dodgy wire, and most likely the wrong wire speed for the setting. (couldn't be heading into globular transfer could it? doesn't seem likely).
The welds are very flat, with undercutting, so really looks like a slow feed speed. That can be spattery, as can too fast. The easiest way to get approximately correct wire speed is to lay some weld onto a piece of scrap at the same time as altering the wire feed speed. When the welding is nice and quiet, with a smooth sounding arc, you're there.
Could also be your travel speed is too quick too. That can make the arc unstable, especially if your feed is wrong. You could also turn the welder down a notch and see if things improve.
OK, so you got the make of machine confused Are you sure it's on Argoshield gas & not CO2?? + what diameter wire is it, do you know?
(the actual weld beads look pretty smooth so it ain't a bad earth connection or similar...more to do with set-up I'd say).
definately argonshield universal unless the bottles labelled wrong? Have had 2 bottles and still have same problem. Using .8 wire, checked it sits in the roller all ok. Fitted new earth. Unsure of the make of wire?
When i weld on setting number 4 i get less splatter but not enough penitration.
How many settings does this welder have. I am assuming 6, if i am right you are using on setting 5 from a 180amp machine? which would be around 150amps?
My thermal arc went this way, needed high power to weld thin material, and it got splattery. Then it got changed for a nice portamig 300 I hope the same isn't with yours.
13amp plug shouldn't be to much of a problem, its not like you are trying to pull full power all the time. What might tell you if the machine is running out of steam is if you used someone elses machine for 5 mins with a similar power output.
Hi, globular transfer's the bad bit between dip settings and spray not quite one or the other. But if you have had good results with the settings you are using that shouldn't be it.