then with that section tacked on i removed the entire piece so i could[/ATTACH] get to examine the bulkhead. as expected it was rotten so today i dug deeper and removed the scuttle panel[/ATTACH][/ATTACH] more to come digging deeper!
That is some impressive panel making going on there.
Here is some inspiration for you ... what it might look like when it's done.
Mine didn't need anything like that much welding though ... I was lucky.
I am just about to start learning how to MIG Weld (my mate is going to teach me in a day or 2 when it stops raining), but I hope I can be that good one day. Although I did teach myself to ARK weld on my first attempt ... MIG seems a lot more difficult though.
Have you looked on ?
Keep up the good work ... it will be great to see another Cortina saved.
Penfold what was you doing up at 0412 hours on a sunday morningBy the time you're done this will be an IanF Cortina rather than a Ford one!