Just read back to what I said earlier and remembered what the electrician said to me why the 40 amp RCD should be at the house end of the SWA, I can’t remember exactly what he said but I think he meant that’s it should be there to protect the SWA from receiving a current which exceeds the rating of the cable and he said that by having it at that end I wouldn’t need one at the workshop end. TBH I think he was trying to make the install as less expensive as possible.
Though I have no problem spending a bit more at this stage to make thinks as simple and as safe as possible.
Dave and Brightspark I’d love to have your knowledge, I thank you both for your input it’s very much appreciated
Hi Dave, I possibly picked him up wrong, as it happens I’ve bought a mini CU and a 40 amp RCBO to fit in it for the house end.
I’ve also bought a Hager CU for the workshop, it comes fitted with an RCD
OK thanks, that’s easy to change then.Personally I would return the RCBO and get an MCB instead for the house end.
Having an RCBO at the house end and an RCD at the garage end is just making the situation worse and could be considered to be non compliant with the wiring regulations.