it probably is ,,,, ive not had great results with weld through primer ,,,, i still find it needs cleaning back to get the quality in plug welds that I like ,,, Ive used acf for ten tears or more now , and find it works for me ,,,,, I like kent products too and a few others ,,, but when i have to stand by my work I use what I trust . the best thing about acf is that it wont catch fire if you do need to be back in the area ,,,, lots of folk will have their own favorite products too ,,, I stick with what Im used to ,,,, but never ever ever will I use waxol , or used motor oil.Crikey Moses! There's a few different methods being deployed, I thought there might be.
Tom2207, how come you don't use Frost, or Upol weld through zinc primer? I was under the impression that was meant to be pretty good stuff for peventing rust.