I wondered if it was to honour the twinning of that town with a Welsh village……Its a statue to honor the poor man's cow, we are on holyday here and I cycled the 10km back to the caravan.
Wrong way round for that, shirley.I wondered if it was to honour the twinning of that town with a Welsh village……
You had to ask.What's going on with that goat?
I always thought the goat got milked in my worldfeeding time.
Gutter mindWhat's going on with that goat?
That's slick. Never seen one for using soapstone before.
Its a statue to honor the poor man's cow, we are on holyday here and I cycled the 10km back to the caravan.
Maiden voyage, through beautiful Oosterhout landscape and a nice Dutch shower.
Its a statue to honor the poor man's cow, we are on holyday here and I cycled the 10km back to the caravan.
Maiden voyage, through beautiful Oosterhout landscape and a nice Dutch shower.
A lot better than a dutch oven.What’s a Dutch shower, or shouldn’t we ask?