When you come to replacing the Z axis / Knee screw be aware that with ball screws the weight is likely to 'self unscrew' it. To prevent this my Beaver CNC mill has a brake mounted directly on the screw which is 'normally engaged' and the controller releases the brake (24 volt actuated via a relay) when the servo system wants to rotate the screw. In this mode the servo prevents unscrewing. Without this if power was cut off the Z axis would crash down on it's own)
I had experience of this the other day - Z had over travelled it's limit switch due to a fault in the tool changer (it's a travelling column mill) and the only way I could move Z down within the limit switches was, with power off, climb into the enclosure, and apply 24 volts to the brake to release it and let Z fall onto wooden cribbing - it only had to drop an inch but being in the enclosure standing on the Y way covers was very alarming!
I had experience of this the other day - Z had over travelled it's limit switch due to a fault in the tool changer (it's a travelling column mill) and the only way I could move Z down within the limit switches was, with power off, climb into the enclosure, and apply 24 volts to the brake to release it and let Z fall onto wooden cribbing - it only had to drop an inch but being in the enclosure standing on the Y way covers was very alarming!