Ah I never saw you had changed tube....lots of fake capricorn tube around to compound the issue.Retraction settings only delayed the inevitable so I went back to basics. First measured the filament, it should be 1.75mm +/- 0.03mm. The bits I measured before they went into the extruder was within limits. However after the extruder the pressure flattens the filament and in one direction the filament pushed 1.83mm and occasionally 1.86mm if the roller stays in one spot for any amount of time.
When I replaced the original plastic extruder for the shiny aluminium one, the cheap bowden tube was also replaced with higher quality "Capricorn" PTFE bowden tube. Feeding fresh filament into the tube with the extruder tension off is silky smooth. Pulling the filament out once squished by the extruder is an effort, so pushing it through by the extruder will be even harder.
From Capricorn's web site they say the tube ID is 1.9mm +/- 0.05mm and that filament with an OD greater than 1.8mm will cause issues.
So its the filament being distorted by too much pressure between the feed rollers and the new tube probably has closer tolerences exascerbating the problem. The trouble is there is only one feed roller tension adjuster and that is set to minimum. I have the old plastic extruder which is the same design and share many components, so compared them. The tooth roller dimensions are identical, so is the grooved roller bearing. But the old spring was a few mm shorter than the new one. So I've swapped that out to see if that makes a difference, but its beer O'clock so will test it in the morning. I will probably fix it just as the new direct drive arrives
When I had my issues had had used up all the working filament.....the new stuff gave me problems. Now it's my go to filament..lol