MIG welders with a power source and a seperate wire feed unit are not independently used to control the WFS. a power source which has an output of say 300amps has to be matched to the Maximum input of the wire speed unit, checking the back of the WFU will tell you the maximum input rating (duty Cycle) which may be 250 amps, the power source should then be set at 250amps or slightly under, once this is done then the WFS and the amperage is set by using the WFS knob only, the more amperage the more wire, there is no such thing as a "fine tuner". lowering the WFS loweres the ampage and visa versa there is nothing gained in trying to balance the two controls.
Once you have the amperage set, use the Voltage to "Balance" the two. simply set the amperage/WFS to a required setting, without using anything else, adjust the voltage one step at a time and check the weld bead, continue doing this until you have a weld bead that you require and which the toe of the welds are blended in smoothly with the parent metal.
With a combined power source and wirefeed system the WFS is always used to control the ampage, this is the design of these particular sets.
Make sure that the MIG Torch is capable of taking the ampage, if this is to high then the tourch will burn out and caurse you more problems.
I would not have thought that motor car repairs would use a seperate WFU and Power source unless some heavy duty welding is to be performed so the wirefeed speed and ampage are controled by the one knob on the combined sets
Once you have the amperage set, use the Voltage to "Balance" the two. simply set the amperage/WFS to a required setting, without using anything else, adjust the voltage one step at a time and check the weld bead, continue doing this until you have a weld bead that you require and which the toe of the welds are blended in smoothly with the parent metal.
With a combined power source and wirefeed system the WFS is always used to control the ampage, this is the design of these particular sets.
Make sure that the MIG Torch is capable of taking the ampage, if this is to high then the tourch will burn out and caurse you more problems.
I would not have thought that motor car repairs would use a seperate WFU and Power source unless some heavy duty welding is to be performed so the wirefeed speed and ampage are controled by the one knob on the combined sets