That should sit nicely on the edge of the angle side rail.
And, I've the seized screws soaking in plusgas. I'll mig some nuts on to those tomorrow night and they should come out. All ready to start adjusting the planks to suit...
Hopefully Friday I'll get sanding and getting the first coat oil on.
This won't see varnish today. I'm going to get it sanded properly, not rush it. I think there's two different coatings, one consumer, one professional. I've to remove both.
There's a couple of places with black stains, possibly from water? steel? exposure. I bought some tannin stain remover, which arrived this morning. That's a Osmo gel stuff that's has some acid in it. It's soaking away for the next half hour, whether it works or not, I'll see soon enough. Time to prep for rollering on the oil.