Anyway, the stains are much less prominent, so it's has it's first coat.
I've closed the door, next coat in a couple of days. Where does the dirt come from? Despite vacuuming the thing to bits I still found dirt and hairs all over the thing.
No clue, I'm intolerant of chocolate, so probably.
Anyway, who doesn't love a bit of rectification?
This has been sanded back in places and I've re filled some of the holes where the pale filler stood out with a darker filler, I'll sand that after dinner.
And another coat of oil tomorrow. Repeat ad infinitum.
I scrubbed the places that reacted with plain water this morning, and put a second coat of Osmo just now. So far, no sign of a reaction. I'll see tomorrow for sure.
I checked the floor this morning before work......
Well, it's not all dry yet, not ideal dying conditions, but so far, no sign of any bad reaction, or extra staining. I'm becoming more confident it's okay. If good tomorrow, I'll sand and recoat, Ditto Saturday, and call it done. The Osmo really does finish nicely, a gentle sand with 320 grit should leave it looking like was applied in the factory.
The oil is finally drying, I'm going to recoat tomorrow morning.
In the meantime I've adjusted the doors to fit the step.
The screw supplier has lost my screws, and they're out of stock for two weeks, which is a hassle, but will allow the oil to fully cure. I'll have everything ready for when they arrive.
Still not quite dry. I've put the fan on, maybe that will finish it. So, I'm moving on to the large hard surface that's going into the gap in the floor. It's for a stove. A wood burner.
We sourced a cheap porcelain outdoor tile, and I've trimmed it to suit.