The screws for the step have arrived. However they're stainless, not mild zinc plated. And they're going into aluminium. So am I overly concerned about galvanic corrosion long term?
The slab for the stove is an outdoor tile which I cut, it's in two pieces. I was going to just fit them side by side, but I thought why not glue them together?
I've put a coat of oil on one side of one set of doors and will paint the rest of that set in the morning, when I'll do one coat of the epoxy on the steel hinge posts.
Another coat of epoxy in the afternoon and a top coat at night should see me ready to start hanging doors on Sunday.
This could be a slow day, hanging double doors is not something I've done before, and I'm not sure how it will work out.
The door on the left has the cheap varnish, the right hand two have one coat of Osmo. I'm expecting the Osmo coated doors to improve appearance radically with subsequent coats.
Top coat done, but the square head set screws haven't arrived, so door hanging will be later on. I'll get the slab in, and the step. Maybe more sanding on the inner doors, if I'm in the humour.