Since the weather so so nice I spent some time, in fact a lot of time, degreasing R2D2.
Not a huge amount has happened since my last post. Parts de-greased and de-painted
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A few of the smaller pieces have had some primer splashed on. I do hate painting...
One more gasket made for the valve plate, now that the correct thickness has turned up. That took a good hour to do.One more to follow when the mood takes me.
The correct V-belt has arrived along with the new motor bearings and some eyelets for the motor tails. Still awaiting silicone sleeving and some anti-flashover resin to give the field windings a coating of.
Also, Machine Mart have been very slow supplying the synthetic oil, so can't reassemble the bottom end.
I suppose I'll have to turn my attention to the receiver soon, the bottom and legs are a bit rusty, so some flap wheel work ahead of me.
That's all for now.
Doing a great job