Cheers Mat. Slowing heading towards final assembly time. Maybe a couple of weeks, weather allowing. Then I suppose I'll have to crack on with my rotary converter build, or the Bambi, or finish my stick welder mod, or fir the DRO, or or or...
Being an old motor it used a 3/4" conduit thread fitting for the cable entry point.
If you mess with old electrical stuff, it is worth keeping some of these in stock:
Thank you 1,000,000,000 A
It's an enjoyable project, apart from the painting. I never get a finish that meets my hopes. I wish I had a spray booth.
Didn't have you down for choosing an American billion over the English
I think I'll celebrate with a beer. Then onto other things.
I think you and @Morrisman ought to go into business together, moving things......
Have literally just taken one of these off a compressor, switch is broken but you are welcome to it for spares.A little more progress. I decided to attack the pressure switch. It's a lovely Danfoss unit.
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After unscrewing it from the base there was a lot of, what seemed to be to me, rust.
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As I started to scrape it off it was obvious that it was the remains of several fibre washers or one very thick one.
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The seat for the washer has a small step, which doesn't run all the way round and then becomes a conical face. Not an easy thing to find a washer for I decided. So a bit of machining was called for.
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And after
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My odd fibre washer drawer came up with a couple that were a perfect fit and the first thick washer that I picked up was the right size too. So that's sorted.
Next it was a just a strip to clean any muck out.
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The diaphragm looks to be still serviceable, although there's a distinct indent where the small spring has sat. I'm not sure whether or not to leave this, repositioning the spring on assembly or, perhaps gluing a piece of thin rubber to the surface for reinforcement.
The diaphragm pressure plate hides four screws that retain the mechanism
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Detail of the differential adjustment spring and a house guest
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