Not sure paint will stuck to creosote?
Ask a roofer where he gets his roofing nails from ..... copper headed pins approx. 19 mm flat head with a 2.5 mm pin 20 mm long .Where do I get solid brass / copper tacks or panel pins...tomorrow and local?
You'll be doing those windows next?
According to our listed building people at the council all windows are repairable, and you have to use their approved people, one of which I spoke too when looking at a listed project house! He said sometimes we turn up in our big van with machinery / workshop inside ( furniture type van), remove them to repair and end up just making a new one! All for 5 times the price of a upvc one!I know, they're crying out for some attention. I wonder if they're too far gone?
"B" for me,
To say it was wet was an understatement but it's in!
It depends which way the log has been cut , do a trial and see which splits down the length easiest then go for the hardest to split . Usually a harder wood such as beech or oak strips are used for the tongues in such circumstances .Because with the grain as at "A" it has very low shear strength.
You'd have to be careful in wood choice to make wide boards without expansion gaps as soft wood expands or contracts across its width considerably , thin soft wood will bend /bow across the width often tearing out at the fixing holes in very wet or prolonged dry weather .Why not Lap joint the lengths ?
View attachment 443043
Allows the wood to move a bit without "scrote gaps" but a loss less work and waste.
You'd have to be careful in wood choice to make wide boards without expansion gaps as soft wood expands or contracts across its width considerably , thin soft wood will bend /bow across the width often tearing out at the fixing holes in very wet or prolonged dry weather .
Seen to recall that larch is a good wood for vertical fencing as it has long drainage fibres