It was bought by my brother.
Oh that’s nothing7 bits of 2.4m 1" box selection collected this morning by @Domdom 's brother just now.
I must admit I was impressed at him shoving in his posh bema!
And the doors and fuel tank for the XR4. Behold the BMW 640 Transit edition.Yeah he showed me that!
Apparently alongside the box section he's putting a CEMENT MIXER for you!
Told him he should have bought the estate for a start and not to brake heavy!
I've done two,on the XR4i and on the my 92 Coupe GT. I've concluded that Ford had made the gearstick hole slightly back than a 2wd,because,on the XR4i,I had cut out the 2wd tunnel,and welded in a 4wd tunnel. I mounted the gearbox in with propshaft to keep everything levelled up. Now,on my 92 Coupe,I just chopped out the sides of the 2wd mounts,and welded in the sides of a 4wd. Once everything was back,the gearstick would not stay in gear. I had to leave out the rubber gearstick bellow under the leather gaiter. Conclusion is,weld in a full tunnel.How hard was the 4x4 conversion if you don’t mind me asking?
This is my brother’s car and he has made murmurings of this…
Already has a 4x4 rear end, mostly to get disc brakes.