It's a bit like lawn mower. The clue is very much in the name.My mrs had a laugh at my expense.
It's a bit like lawn mower. The clue is very much in the name.My mrs had a laugh at my expense.
It's a bit like lawn mower. The clue is very much in the name.
Exception being lawn mower are not used for other purposes
Yes they are.
Flax munching.
Wool shredding.
Paper mulching.
Just 4 other uses for lawn mowers.
Commonly, id say cherry pickers change more more bulbs than used to pick cherry's
To quote the man who started to teach me Electrics.
"Bulbs go in the ground and lamps light up."
To quote the man who started to teach me Electrics.
"Bulbs go in the ground and lamps light up." quote the man who started to teach me Electrics.
"Bulbs go in the ground and lamps light up."
Why did he only stray to teach you?
What happened?
A Norbert by any chance?