Many thanks for sharing your wisdom. I did wonder if I had the nozzle low enough, but with aging eyes I didn't want to go too far. I printed one of the whistles after the frog and the first attempt came loose when on the upper layer. I cleaned the bed and repeated it and it stuck so didn't alter further even though I thought it perhaps needed it.You got lucky with that! Looks like your "skirt" has not stuck to the bad at all, let alone to itself. One of the foot pads has also lifted slightly. That indicates not enough squish due to too high nozzle. I recommend you have a good go as setting your bed level so that the first layer gets squashed down firmly to the bed and the filament sticks to itself to form a firm layer.
If it's not bed height (although I think it is) then it may be your first layer is too fast or the extrusion rate too low.
After reading your advice I got the reading glasses out and dialed the nozzle down a bit and it is far better, so many thanks!