Pretty chilly ! I presume the rear car has got the latest factory fitted anti skid on ice device. What will they think of next ?Ours too, -8 this morning, ice crystals on cars:
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What's up with your Dad's Jag ?Ours too, -8 this morning, ice crystals on cars:
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It's too cold for me to finish replacing the rear suspension, all rubber bellows on ball joints perished. New brake Flexi,'s and stainless fuel tank straps while I am at it. Parts bought:What's up with your Dad's Jag ?
Here it is too cold for me to finish changing the leaking heater in one of the Discoverys.It's too cold for me to finish replacing the rear suspension, all rubber bellows on ball joints perished. New brake Flexi,'s and stainless fuel tank straps while I am at it. Parts bought:
I'm told our posties aren't delivering mail by foot, only parcels by van. I've seen a van, had some parcels, but had no snail mail at all.It must be cold, my postman had forsaken his shorts for trousers.
I've been in Bigg Market at 1 in the morning in winter, -5 will not be an issue.Just defrosted the Wife's car so she can go to work.
Minus 5 in Newcastle .
Eye the organ stops on their chests stop them sliding down the hill on the ice when they fall over after one too many!I've been in Bigg Market at 1 in the morning in winter, -5 will not be an issue.
Sounds like the usual Council B/S to enable them to pat themselves on the back for an overpaid job well done.Out of interest do they specify WHICH Culture , there are many differing cultures not all of which are worth celebrating.Chiselling the frozen 4" of snow off the other halves car this morning, shaking my head . . the procession of walking stick users heading down the cleared bit of road towards the very much none cleared, thick ice, sloping snicket towards the pub. Several of them struggle to remain upright on a slope on a good day . .
Bradford council posted on farcebook about how fantastically well they's cleared the city centre, ready for the "City of Culture" (have you been to Bradford recently???) launch event last night.
Cue 700 comments in minutes thanking them for this fantastic news, but when would like to come and spread a shovel or two of grit in all of the outlying areas - the suggestion is they have priortised their event rather than refill grit bins, sent a lone gritter etc. Emergency ambulance needed digging out in my village yesterday. The primary school had to put out a request for anyone with equipment to help clear the road in etc as the council had refused (not, not got to it yet - refused) - that call was answered, so the school has been open all week. (90% attendance - and yesterday kids were told to come with sledges and warm clothing - there was a fantastic picture posted of the playground parking lot . . . sledges lined up in rows Each year group got an hour of sledging tuition during the day - plenty of laughter heard across the village.
Contrasted with the local secondary - been shut for 4-1/2 days - also due to blocked roads. Which lead to a plea last night - one parent, who still had to go to work of course, had discovered his 14 yr old and his mates had been on the frozen canal - and couldn't see what danger they had been in, so if anyone saw them again, scream, shout, plead with them to get off.
Back in 2010 some clown tried to drive on it . . . seems the back end was lighter than the front.
Actually a really nice sunny day today, cold and crisp. Had to de-ice the garage side door though - still frozen shut. Not too bad once I got in.
Errrr are you being sarcastic…..11 days without a break is part time to some.You have to remember that all the gritting gripes are blaming a bunch of blokes who are by now, basically, knackered. They've been working every day since new years.
Errrr are you being sarcastic…..11 days without a break is part time to some.
Yes, indeed, 11 days work without a break….You have to remember that all the gritting gripes are blaming a bunch of blokes who are by now, basically, knackered. They've been working every day since new years.
Yep I do get that - and that they've pulled drivers off other services etc - but it seems the city centre has literally been covered in a deep carpet of grit at the expense of the out-lying areas.You have to remember that all the gritting gripes are blaming a bunch of blokes who are by now, basically, knackered. They've been working every day since new years.