You don't get much for your cash but when you want it "now" its a quick fix, only regret I have is not getting it years ago.!
Thanks art.Blimey, good job, looks great!
Hi ChrisThats looking good amazing what a coat of paint does.
If i get a chance this week i will get a torch on the beer cooler and post an update on the pump performance.
Any idea roughly how many LPM your set up is moving?
I measured 550 ml into a jug in 30 seconds. I measured it at the furthest point before it goes back in the tank.
Ck recommend 0.9-2.0 lpm of water at 50psi so I'm on the money with it.
We've either both got it very right or very wrong.I just measured my Binzel out of interest and it puts back 1.1lpm to the tank, CK20.