I guess i was not clear enough.....given you can make a few models with one roll of PLA i would assume ,given a buyer exists locally, i imagine you could make a profit . But what i fail to see is one where these customers come from.It's a tool, like any other, mine's paid for itself probably 20x over at least.
I guess i was not clear enough.....given you can make a few models with one roll of PLA i would assume ,given a buyer exists locally, i imagine you could make a profit . But what i fail to see is one where these customers come from.
I also cant see how the maths work out on time versus reward as many prints take over 8 hours. To have a viable income. I would guess you need to make €100 taking i to account things such as electric wear and tear , raw materials , tax etc.
So I see the 40 mm/s travel relates to 4 whatevers, what does the whatevers meanfrom your earlier settings (40mm/s, 0.2 layer, 0.4mm nozzle) - that's only 4mm^3/s when it's at full speed
cubiccu means copper to me
so an inch and a quarter cube of solid plastic every second?cubic
so an inch and a quarter cube of solid plastic every second?
or a 1mm wide, 1mm deep layer 32mm long. every second.
32mm x 1mm x 1mm, I'd like to see one that could do a 32mm cube in a second - more like injection moulding!
Dave H. (the other one)
What on earth are they?That's all I used to do making airboxes, stack the bed full and leave it, come back later on when it was done.
As for print times - printers are slow, no two ways about it, but also for anyone using it to make production brackets, bushes, parts that are faster/lighter to make as part of another job, they're probably using the time making the other bits while it prints anyway - and anyone making production parts batch parts is going to have reworked their printer for more speed or bought a commercial one that can push a lot more plastic than say your A8 does.
Just for comparison, going from your earlier settings (40mm/s, 0.2 layer, 0.4mm nozzle) - that's only 4mm^3/s when it's at full speed - those batches of mounts I was doing a while ago:
View attachment 154492
Were printed with it pushing 32mm^3/s -and I've just about finished modifying the printer so it can go to 40-45mm^3/s - it makes a massive difference in terms of what you're waiting for, and if you don't mind spending a little more there's machines that then make mine look silly. Even then, I generally just stack half a dozen on the bed, set it going, go and work on other parts.
Obviously, for even bigger batches of parts, you can print moulds or tools to allow you to make them more conventional, faster ways, but without any serious tooling/moulding costs.