Now that's excellent adviceAll's i can say is to set the situation up and have a dozen practice attempts as it will be worth it.
i think doing it that way using rods he runs the risk of cold welds and the nut will just twist off, I think he will need to give it a good blast and not with 1.5mm rods eitherI would practice on a bit of scrap first , try and strike the arc and keep it in the same spot and deposit a small tack as it were then stop let it cool and do it again on top of the first tack until you build up
hmm forgot about that, that doesn't help at allhe only has 50 amps !
If the stud shears flush, I would drill it and to keep the drill central, if logistics allow, would replace the head then make and temper a steel bush that would slide in the stud hole and have a clearance hole for the pilot drill.