- 5 core flexible cable: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TRVV-Cab...ore-Tinned-Copper-High-Temp-Wire/323951480698 (as above, from China)
the Weldinger is 100% identical to the lux 202 and kaygree .
Unfortunately, the weldinger was put together sloppily
The unbranded Eletronic parts endures on the lux Welder as on the weldinger one?
They can't do that... it is a free market.
Weldinger and Sherman
Weldinger and Sherman
I just received the sherman welder (i thought the blue was darker) as i also bought some other tig stuff for the toch w17 and w9 but I think i am missing some parts on the torch.
Can anyone post was it inclued on the welder?
i have a torch (only no collet, gas lens eletrode on it) , earth clamp, grey eletrode. what else is inclued ?
Mine came with 3. And a set of 1.6 consumables.On the welder came 3 Caps? Short, medium and long? On mine it only came 2.