i use a blowtorch that fits the primus bottle and took the burner of the end and screwed it in to a bullnose that i re drilled and taped to suit here it is they have put it on home made tools .net https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=propane++refill+adaptors+home+made&sxsrf=ALiCzsY-V-sjvVXToHMddxUuh-o6WPCXgw:1655922249248&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&vet=1&fir=UnNERHmKcc4fcM%2CAXbBB7a2sFTHkM%2C_%3B0shhYKLn-tDqnM%2CgaNBetCTQ9xSlM%2C_%3B8AzIlY8v8VJH5M%2CanytZOeMJvYHYM%2C_%3BG3ZFuy5QRMU1WM%2CG8GwOW14vmB54M%2C_%3BNRTRVWt78iJ8GM%2Ctkic-DVpNCIq-M%2C_%3BaY6Mhu5s7wjlbM%2CgaNBetCTQ9xSlM%2C_%3BMAdkbvH3ZRfBiM%2CgaNBetCTQ9xSlM%2C_%3B2oYS7R7ccYumPM%2Cv1LeWYnF6LoBdM%2C_%3B3xjQ2uju-jMcHM%2CAgyhoIckGr8_NM%2C_%3Bn8fMY05k7jfy9M%2Cv1LeWYnF6LoBdM%2C_&usg=AI4_-kTlxc7GIGUipTA1lLtMkNyFx8uEYQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwicscSL18H4AhXBnVwKHckzAa0Q9QF6BAgcEAE#imgrc=UnNERHmKcc4fcM if you make one take the one way safety valve out of base of torch it just scews in or it wont fillThanks very much @optima21 I think you are right. Trouble is I can't seem to find any adapters that convert that into something I can use to refill my cylinder
Hi @brightspark Your solution looks perfect although a bit beyond my abilities unfortunately. It did make me think though.... I have a calor gas bottle with a regulator and a hose going to an old BBQ. The blow torch attached to my bottle has no holes in the side so was wondering whether fitting the hose onto the blow torch and filling it that way would work? May need to clip it on or maybe create something to adjust the hose diameter but would at least be something I am capable of if it would work.i use a blowtorch that fits the primus bottle and took the burner of the end and screwed it in to a bullnose that i re drilled and taped to suit here it is they have put it on home made tools .net https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=propane++refill+adaptors+home+made&sxsrf=ALiCzsY-V-sjvVXToHMddxUuh-o6WPCXgw:1655922249248&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&vet=1&fir=UnNERHmKcc4fcM%2CAXbBB7a2sFTHkM%2C_%3B0shhYKLn-tDqnM%2CgaNBetCTQ9xSlM%2C_%3B8AzIlY8v8VJH5M%2CanytZOeMJvYHYM%2C_%3BG3ZFuy5QRMU1WM%2CG8GwOW14vmB54M%2C_%3BNRTRVWt78iJ8GM%2Ctkic-DVpNCIq-M%2C_%3BaY6Mhu5s7wjlbM%2CgaNBetCTQ9xSlM%2C_%3BMAdkbvH3ZRfBiM%2CgaNBetCTQ9xSlM%2C_%3B2oYS7R7ccYumPM%2Cv1LeWYnF6LoBdM%2C_%3B3xjQ2uju-jMcHM%2CAgyhoIckGr8_NM%2C_%3Bn8fMY05k7jfy9M%2Cv1LeWYnF6LoBdM%2C_&usg=AI4_-kTlxc7GIGUipTA1lLtMkNyFx8uEYQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwicscSL18H4AhXBnVwKHckzAa0Q9QF6BAgcEAE#imgrc=UnNERHmKcc4fcM if you make one take the one way safety valve out of base of torch it just scews in or it wont fill
Thanks @northwest It says it is for US gas bottles. Will it work with UK bottles do you know?HERE is a link that works!
the newer map bottles wont fill as they have a 1 way valve in them. the primus 2000 refilable are easy and can be filled 10 minutesGot screwed the other day for £21 for a small gas cylinder replacement. Thought it time to try out the bottle filling gadget, done two and they both ended up the same weight as the new original at 9kg, takes about an hour with the big cylinder inverted.
Not sure about that BS, one was an old cylinder thats been kicking around for a while the other was less than a month old, both filled the same.the newer map bottles wont fill as they have a 1 way valve in them. the primus 2000 refilable are easy and can be filled 10 minutes
£21 for a small one
I keep meaning to look into bigger/proper size propane bottles. Where does one buy them and how much should it be with gas?
And do they do propene/map replacement?
i can just use a cheap primus torch take the one way valve out of it buy a bulnose. drill and thread it on to the torchThanks very much @optima21 I think you are right. Trouble is I can't seem to find any adapters that convert that into something I can use to refill my cylinder
use a 19kg propane bottle to fill em its cheaper to fill than the 15kgi can just use a cheap primus torch take the one way valve out of it buy a bulnose. drill and thread it on to the torch
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